Reward Based Ground Work
17 AUG 09:00 CET (Stockholm)
-If you’re on the mail list 59 EUR (check your email for code).
Welcome to this online clinic.
2 theory lectures and a full day of teaching students at different levels.LECTURES:
-Help your horse be healthy with groundwork.
-Sidemovements with Reward Based Training
We will see work from most positions. Both start up with the basics and more advanced work with the sidemovements. In hand work, groundwork, lungeing and some long reining.In 11-12 lessons (depending on how long each lesson take), and 2 theory sessions you will join the participants on their journey. In between lessons and at the end of the day Angelica will answer questions. The teaching happens over Zoom and probably due to connection reasons some will be pre-recorded.
Angelica focuses a lot on small movements and the positions of the human in her teaching and strong basics.
Building up behavior with the help of the environment and training ”eye” and ”feel” for movement.
The day starts 09:00 CET Stockholm (Central European Time) with a theory lesson:
Different ways to work from the ground.
(a list with a presentation of the horses and theirs humans will be mailed out the week before the course).13:30-14:30 LUNCH
14:30: Theory : Why do we do side movements?
15.30-18:00 LESSONS
Everything is recorded. Recording available for 2 weeks.
We want to create a feeling of a live clinic. So love it if you joined live. Live is also where you´re questions gets answered.