Emotional and physical balance with reward based training

Angelica has created a whole system for building up your aids and exercises from the ground to the saddle. From trail riding to dressage, using reward based techniques.
Here you'll find a range of educational opportunities to achieve this, including online courses, live clinics, extended programs, and study groups. Welcome to travel with us.
Now on offer
Balance and connection
Helping riders help their horse to become more balance, have higher body awareness and to find joy in movement, using reward based training techniques.
From systematic gymnastic exercises on the ground to those in the saddle. Together with a horse who wants to train as much as you do. All training should aim to help the horse become better at being a horse. In their daily life with their friends swell as in our training.

Words from clients

Pause-training has helped my horse Sickan to relax and enjoy our training more.
She struggled a lot with her left hind leg when we started to train. Our gymnastic has helped her find her balance and build up her to become more straight.

I love Angelicas skill in freeshaping, antecedent arrangements and creating beautiful training loops.
Training with Angelica helped me letting my ponies own the behaviours and they all have become true happy athletes.
Unique training method, step by step, with the horse's best in focus.
For anyone who wants that dream relationship with their horse and train dressage at all levels, from basic to high school